François Jérôme Authier
François Jérôme Authier, MD, PhD, is neurologist and neuropathologist, professor of Histology & Embryology in the Faculty of Medicine of Paris Est-Creteil University (UPEC) and specialized in the diagnosis and care of neuromuscular diseases (NMD), mostly inflammatory/immunes conditions, and of chronic fatigue-spectrum disorder (CFSd). He heads the Neuromuscular Pathology unit (nerve and muscle biopsies; NMD biobank) in Henri Mondor hospital, and coordinates the Creteil Reference Center for Rare Neuromuscular Diseases. He is deputy director of research lab ‘Biology of Neuromuscular System’ (BNMS, head Pr F Relaix). BNMS lab is a large team of IMRB/INSERM U955 (110 members), organized in several groups, each leaded by a PI (https://imrb.inserm.fr/equipes/f-relaix/ ). It gathers all expertise and skills required for the full completion of project. The group #2 ‘Pathophysiological investigations and innovative therapies in neuromuscular disease’ (head FJ Authier) was created in 2015 at the same time than BNMS lab and is specifically dedicated to clinical and translational research. He authored/coauthored 186 articles in indexed journals and his H-index is 55.
He has a 30-yrs expertise in muscle histopathology and developed innovative tools for improving the study of NMD, such as computerized morphometry and flow cytometry. His research works deals with the characterization and pathophysiology of NMD, with a special focus on cell interplays and mechanisms leading to skeletal muscle alterations, and more recently on the characterization and pathophysiology of post-acute COVID syndrome.