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Executive Committee

President, RW2025, Rector, RSU
Chair, RW2025 Steering Committee, Vice-Rector for Science, RSU
Chair, RW2025 Scientific Committee, Head, RSU Department of Internal Diseases

Co-Chair, RW2025 Steering Committee
Co-Chair, RW2025 Scientific Committee
Co-Chair, RW2025 Scientific Committee

Steering Committee

Dean, RSU Faculty of Pharmacy
Director, RSU Institute of Oncology and Molecular Genetics
Director, RSU Institute of Public Health, Chair, Society. Health. Welfare.
Dean, RSU Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences
Dean, RSU Faculty of Dentistry
Director, RSU Institute of Microbiology and Virology
Dean, RSU Faculty of Social Sciences, Chair, PLACES
Dean, RSU Faculty of Medicine
Director, RSU Social Sciences Research Centre
Director, RSU Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental HealthU
Director, RSU Innovation Centre

Project Manager, RW2025 Secretariat

Scientific Committees