Ville Vuollo
Ville Vuollo, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor in Oral Health Data Analysis
Research Unit of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, Finland
His academic background is in applied mathematics and statistics, which he has utilized in dental and medical research. Recently, he has been focusing on genome-wide association studies (GWAS), exploring potential genetic association to caries, periodontal diseases, the oral microbiome, temporomandibular disorders (TMD), occlusion, and facial variation.
One of his primary research areas involves analyzing craniofacial and dental 3D surfaces. His main interests with 3D models include studying the development of cranial and facial asymmetry and growth in infants and children, the relationship between facial asymmetry and preferred chewing side, and occlusion; recognition of zygosity of twins from facial 3D models; shape of the dental arch; dental wear.