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RSU Great Hall
09:00-09:05Musical Performance
Artist MADARA with her band: solo vocals and cello by Madara Fogelmane; double bass Undīne Berga; guitar Jānis Narbuts; percussion Mārcis Briška; kokle Marte Līce
09:05-09:15Opening Remarks by RSU Rector, Prof. Dr. habil. med. Aigars Pētersons
09:15-09:30Speech by President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs
09:30-10:10Keynote by Dr Bertalan Meskó, Futurist and Director of The Medical Futurist Institute
10:10-10:25Q-A session
10:25-10:30 Musical Performance. Artist MADARA with her band
10:30-10:40Introduction by PhD Agrita KiopaVice-Rector for Science and Laura Sabīne TaurmaneInternational Student Conference 2025 chair
10:40-10:55EU research and innovation policy in Latvia's perspective
PhD Ivars Ījabs, European Parliament, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy; Assoc. Prof. University of Latvia
10:55-11:00Musical Performance. Artist MADARA with her band
11:00-11:25Keynote. Is exercise good for the brain?
Professor Emeritus Romain Meeusen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
11:25-11:50Keynote. Improving health by applying the science of behaviour to healthcare practices
Professor Susan Michie, University College London, United Kingdom
11:50-11:55Musical Performance. Artist MADARA with her band

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Medical Futurist Institute, Hungary
University College London, UK
University of Latvia