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Society. Health. Welfare. explores fundamental aspects of human well-being, focusing on ensuring individuals and communities have the internal resilience and resources necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world. It sets the foundation for human health and societal welfare by addressing the structural needs that empower people to face future challenges. 

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This year, our conference will focus on the life cycle approach to health, emphasising health as a continuous process from birth to told age. By addressing key life stages, we can create interventions that promote lifelong well-being and inform policies that support health throughout the lifespan. Let's explore these strategies to advance public health in Latvia and globally!

Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne, Ph.D.,
Chair, 10th International Multidisciplinary Research Conference
Society. Health. Welfare., RSU Research Week 2025

Main Topics

Public Health

  • Health promotion
  • Primary, secondary and tertiary disease prevention
  • Social determinants of health
  • Risk factors and epidemiology of diseases
  • Behaviour models in health communication
  • Health inequalities and populations at-risk

Health Systems Research

  • Governance and financing of health systems
  • Person-centered health services
  • Measuring and improving quality
  • Digital health

Environmental and Occupational Health

  • Human biomonitoring - unlocking exposure risks
  • Indoor air quality as an indicator of well-being
  • Ergonomics at work and in everyday life
  • Challenging occupational psychoemotional risks

Psychological Care

  • Utilizing technology in psychological care and therapy: innovative approaches and solutions
  • The role and influence of society on individual health: psychological insights and challenges

Social Welfare

  • An Eco-social work and promoting community resilience
  • Social work and social entrepreneurship
  • Social work in child and youth wellbeing
  • Information and communication technologies integration in social work

Nursing and Midwifery

  • Health workforce, leadership, interaction with education
  • Innovative approach to care, including technology solutions
  • Strategic directions of Nursing and Midwifery
  • Multisectoral collaboration in health system


26 March. Life Cycle Approach to Health – Childhood and Adolescence
Session I
Chair: Prof. Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne (Latvia), Assoc. Prof. Lolita Vilka (Latvia)
9:00–9:05Opening Remarks
Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne, Latvia
9:05-9:10Opening Speech
Prof. Aigars Petersons, Rector of Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia
9:10–9:15Opening Speech
Aiga Balode, Ministry of Health, Deputy State Secretary for Digitalization and Change Management, Acting Deputy State Secretary for Health Policy, Latvia
9:15–9:30A Milestone Journey: From Vision to Interdisciplinary Synergy at the Society. Health. Welfare Conference
Lolita Vilka, Latvia
9:30–10:15Social Work and Healthy Living Models Centred on Human and Democratic Values in a Changing Society
Manuel Ferreira, Portugal
10:15–10:30The Impact of Environmental Noise on Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Coronavirus Infection
Alina Liepinaitienė, Lithuania
Session II
Chair: Assoc. Prof. Sandra Dudareva (Germany), Prof. Ģirts Briģis (Latvia)
11:00–11:15Relationship Between Socioeconomic Characteristics of Mothers and Low Birth Weight in Latvia
Katrīne Kūkoja, Latvia
11:15–11:30Breastfeeding Problems and Telemedicine for Support
Alīna Dubro, Latvia
11:30–11:45Parental Attitudes and Approach to Feeding Preschool-Aged Children
Kristīne Smita, Latvia
11:45–12:00Analysis of Language Competences of Roma Children at the Second Level of Primary School in Slovakia: Arguments for Effective Foreign Language Education
Viera Rassu Nagy, Slovakia
12:00–12:15Issues of Sexting in Children and Adolescents in Slovakia
Patrícia Javorková, Slovakia
12:15–12:30Hateful Behaviour on the Internet Among Children and Adolescents in Slovakia
Pavel Izrael, Slovakia
Session III
Chair: Asst. Prof. Daniel Markovič (Slovakia), Prof. Emeritus Robert West (UK)
13:30–13:45Problematic Gaming in Association with Substance Use Among Adolescents in Latvia
Kristīne Ozoliņa, Latvia
13:45–14:00Interventions for Developing Selective and Sustained Attention in Adolescents in Sport: A Scoping Review
Solvita Pleinica, Latvia
14:00–14:15Enhancing Social Work with Children and Youth Professionalism Through Research
Jolanta Pivorienė, Lithuania
14:15–14:30Empowerment Factors of Children in Day Care Centres
Rita Raudeliūnaitė, Lithuania
14:30–14:45EU-Supported International Volunteering for Youth: A Critical Evaluation of Factors Affecting Youth Participation in Latvia
Ričards Edijs Stibe, Latvia
14:45–15:00Motivations and Demotivations of NEET Youth Entering Work and Education
Daniel Markovič, Slovakia
Session IV
Chair: Prof. Irena Žemaitaitytė (Lithuania), Prof. Inga Millere (Latvia)
15:30–15:45Violence Experienced by Students During Professional Practices: Experiences of Midwifery Students
Alina Liepinaitienė, Lithuania
15:45–16:00Bridging Art Therapy and Community Work in Latvia: Organisational Insights and Challenges
Laura Juhansone-Daugule, Latvia
16:00–17:00Roundtable Discussion: Reducing Sugar Consumption in Latvia – The Sooner in the Lifespan We Start, the More Effective It Is
Moderator: Asst. Prof. Ilze Maldupa, Latvia
Lect. Katrīne Kūkoja, Rīga Stradiņš Univesity, Latvia
Anna Pluta, BICEPS, Latvia
Ieva Spironoka, Ministry of Health, Latvia
Ilze Straume, Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Latvia
Olga Ozola, Ministry of Education and Science
Representative of the Ministry of Economics

Poster presentations

Screen 9
Committee: Prof. Anita Villeruša
10:30–11:00External Cephalic Version for Breech Presentation at Rīga Maternity Hospital: A Five-Year Review
Santa Ūdre, Latvia
Moral Distress Among Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Nurses Before and During COVID-19: A Systematic Review
Olga Cereļa-Boltunova, Latvia
Committee: Asst. Prof. Aija Bukova-Žideļūna
12:30–13:30Quality of Maternal and Neonatal Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: Data from Friuli Venezia Giulia Region – IMAgiNE Project
Maria Verdecchia, Italy
Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care Around Childbirth According to WHO Standands: Health Workers’ Views from 12 European Countries
Ilaria Mariani, Italy
Midwives' Views on the Concept of Normal Childbirth and Their Experience in Protecting Them in a Hospital in Collaboration with a Woman
Milena Perfiljeva, Latvia
Midwives' Experience of Patient and Their Relatives Violence in the Maternity Ward
Elīna Audere, Latvia
Screen 10
Committee: Asst. Prof. Agita Melbārde-Kelmere
10:30–11:00Ensuring Cognitive Health for the Next Generation: Do Maternal Dietary Habits Meet the Recommendations Regarding Iodine Intake During Lactation Period – Initial Observations from an Ongoing Research Project
Līva Aumeistere, Latvia
The Association of Alexithymia with Headaches, Nausea and Changes in BMI During Pregnancy
Laura Valaine, Latvia
Committee: Asst. Prof. Kristaps Circenis
12:30–13:30The Impact of Air Pollution on Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Coronavirus Infection
Alina Liepinaitienė, Lithuania
Knowledge of Latvian Family Physicians on Breastfeeding and Related Issues
Santa Zvaigzne, Latvia
Innovative Digital Solution: Promotion of Daily Physical Activity for Paediatric Oncology Patients Using Augmented Reality (AR)
Aija Kļaviņa, Latvia
The Development and Support of Health Competence at School: Experience of Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Indrė Čergelytė-Podgrušienė, Lithuania
Committee: Lect. Mirdza Kursīte
15:00–15:30Using Technology to Manage Chronic Diseases: The Case of Children with Type 1 Diabetes
Indrė Čergelytė-Podgrušienė, Lithuania
Knowledge of Nurses and Adolescents with Diabetes About the Use of Insulin Pumps
Virginija Bulikaitė, Lithuania
Screen 11
Committee: Assoc. Prof. Jeļena Koļesņikova
10:30–11:00Vitamin D Deficiency as a Risk Factor for the Progression of Idiopathic Scoliosis in Children Aged 10-16 Years
Tatjana Rakļinska, Latvia
The Initial Version of the Oppositional Defiant and Dissocial Behaviour Scales for Adolescents in Latvia
Linda Nauzere, Latvia
Committee: Asst. Prof. Darja Ņesteroviča
12:30–13:30The Development of Children’s Independent Living Skills in Day Care Centres: Analysis of Social Workers’ Experiences
Vida Gudžinskienė, Lithuania
Empowerment factors for young people in Open Youth Centers
Salomeja Karasevičiūtė, Lithuania
Prevalence of Postural Disorders in Children Aged 5–6 and Their Primary Prevention in Kindergartens
Marina Potašová, Slovakia
Committee: Lect. Mārtiņš Zvackis
15:00–15:30Cough Syrups for Children: Usage Patterns and Effectiveness According to Parental Assessment
Veronika Ļebedeva, Latvia
Schools as an Information Channel for Knowledge on the Purchase and Use of Alcohol Among Adolescents
Ieva Saukuma, Latvia
Screen 12
Committee: Lect. Jekaterina Kozačenko
10:30–11:00Correlation Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Suicidal Behaviour Among 10th to 12th Grade Pupils of Rīga State Grammar Schools and Rīga Vocational Secondary Schools
Ieva Vadone-Ozoliņa, Latvia
Gender-Specific Differences in Motivations, Perceptions of Barriers and Emotional Responses in Volunteering Among Secondary School Students
Lenka Štefáková, Slovakia
Committee: Assoc. Prof. Inese Gobiņa
12:30–13:30Relationship Between Teachers‘ Resilience, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Low SES Schools
Loreta Bukšnytė-Marmienė, Lithuania
Nature Relatedness, Self-Rated Health, and Well-Being Among University Students
Aija Ozola, Latvia
Physical Activity Habits and Their Determinants Among Healthcare Students: A Descriptive Study
Lāsma Spundiņa, Latvia
Students Adherence on Nutrition as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Diseases
Daiva Kriukelytė, Lithuania
Committee: Assoc. Prof. Jeļena Reste
15:00–15:30Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Intrinsic Motivation, and Studying Sports Protect University Student-Athletes from Burnout: Insights from Latvia
Svens Vilks, Latvia
Self-Evaluation of Occupational Therapy Students on the Formation of Professional Identity and Influencing Factors
Ieva Jākobsone, Latvia
Screen 13
Committee: Prof. Olav Götz
10:30–11:00Public, Corporate, and Collective Governance Aspects of Health Care in Latvia
Romāns Putāns, Latvia
Exploring Hope with Latvian Care Leavers through a Photovoice Project
Zoë Kessler, Latvia
Committee: Assoc. Prof. Daiga Behmane
12:30–13:30Management of Healthcare Professionals’ Human Capital – An Individual Perspective
Evita Grigoroviča, Latvia
Comparison of Healthcare Service Utilization in the Remote Border Region of Valka Municipality and the Country as a Whole
Alīna Dūdele, Latvia
Assessment of Accessibility of Cross-Border Health Care Services for the Valka Region Inhabitants
Alīna Dūdele, Latvia
Investigation on the Relation Between Nursing Quality Evaluation and Demographical Characteristics
Daiva Kriukelytė, Lithuania
Committee: Lect. Laura Maļina
15:00–15:30Adverse Drug Event Detection in Latvian Administrative Data
Laima Anete Grunte, Latvia
Translational Simulation Approach to ALS Competency Development in Regional Hospitals in Latvia
Aleksandrs Oborins, Latvia
Screen 14
Committee: Lect. Toni Angelo Fernandes
10:30–11:00The Role of Technology Partnerships in Mitigating Hospital Security Risks: A Combined DES Simulation and Expert Survey Study
Olav Goetz, Germany
Fostering Ethical Climate and Ensuring Safety in Nursing: Pilot Study Results in Latvia
Agita Melbārde-Kelmere, Latvia
Committee: Lect. Larisa Savrasova
12:30–13:30Violence and Harassment Against Health Workers: A Psychological-Clinical Perspective on a Survey in a Policlinic-Hospital
Francesca Vella, Italy
Relaxation through Music with Binaural Beats: Developing an Intervention Prototype
Gundega Šmite, Latvia
Exploring Arts Therapists’ Competency in Digital Mental Healthcare
Inga Kārkliņa, Latvia
Proposal for a Digital Game to Assist in the Speech Rehabilitation Process
Vinicius Santos Andrade, Brazil
Committee: Asst. Prof. Toms Pulmanis
15:00–15:30Assesing Patient Adherence in Physiotherapy
Anna Marija Skudra, Latvia
Screen 15
Committee: Assoc. Prof. Signe Tomsone
10:30–11:00The Role of Proprioception in Injury Prevention and Functional Mobility
Katarína Repová, Slovakia
Evidence-Based Nursing Education Based on J. Bruner‘s Spiral Concept
Danguolė Šakalytė, Lithuania
Committee: Lect. Nadīna Rīmere
12:30–13:30International Nursing Students' Experiences with Mentors at Clinical Practice
Jovite Demskytė, Lithuania
Latvian Society Social Perceptions About Men as a Nurses
Agita Melbārde-Kelmere, Latvia
Scoping review of Factors Influencing Medical Students’ Residency Choices with an Emphasis on Family Medicine, in Latvia and Other Countries
Matīss Kore, Latvia
Scoping Review of Factors Influencing the Choice of Young Physicians to Practice Family Medicine, Especially in Rural Regions with an Emphasis on Family Medicine, in Latvia and other Countries
Arita Kohva, Latvia
Committee: Prof. Ģirts Briģis
15:00–15:30Family Medicine as a Career Choice: A Scoping Review of Interventions Used in Latvia and Beyond in Affecting Medical Students' Choice of Residency
Matīss Kore, Latvia
Interventions to Attract and Retain Family Medicine Physicians in Speciality and in Rural Areas: Practices in Countries Around the World
Ieva Griķe, Latvia
27 March. Life Cycle Approach to Health – Adulthood
Session I
Chair: Prof. Kristīne Mārtinsone (Latvia), Prof. Ivars Vanadziņš (Latvia)
9:00–9:05Opening Speech
Kristīne Mārtinsone & Ivars Vanadziņš, Latvia
9:05–9:50Rethinking Work: Can the Four-Day Week Deliver for Employers and Employees?
Daiga Kamerāde, UK
9:50–10:05Work-Life Balance in Remote Work: Effects of Experience, Communication, and Flexibility
Linda Paegle, Latvia
10:05–10:20Work-Life Balance and Musculoskeletal Pain: Insights from a Cross-Sectional Study in Latvia
Linda Matisāne, Latvia
10:20–10:30War-Related Burnout in Ukrainian Civilians: Coping Under the Strain of Three Years of Russia’s Military Invasion
Inna Haletska, Ukraine
Session II
Chair: Prof. Olav Götz (Germany), Lead Researcher Ilona Krone (Latvia)
11:00–11:15The Association Between Workplace Environment and Self-Esteem in the Population of Latvian Radiographers and Radiology Assistants
Laura Saulīte, Latvia
11:15–11:30Risk Factors of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Amongst Estonian Medical Laboratory Workers
Kristi Vahur, Estonia
11:30–11:45Psychometric Characteristics of the Slovak Version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)
Júlia Bačkorová, Slovakia
11:45–12:00Criterion Validity of Rīga Cognitive Screening Task Cognitive Assessment Scale
Kristīne Šneidere, Latvia
12:00–12:15Adaptation and Validation of the Emotion Regulation Strategies for Artistic Creative Activities Scale (ERS-ACA) in Latvian Art Therapy Practice
Ilva Priedniece, Latvia
12:15–12:30Health Inequalities in EU Just Transition Process – A Case of Ida-Viru County in North-Eastern Estonia
Hans Orru, Estonia
Session III
Chair: Prof. Nathan J. Wilson (Australia), Prof. Christian G. Stierle (Germany)
13:30–13:45Employees' Perceived Risks of Digitalization in the Workplace
Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Lithuania
13:45–14:00Techno-Insecurity Among Working Women in Latvia
Valentīna Krūmiņa, Latvia
14:00–14:15Prevalence of Headache Disorders Among the Adult Population in Latvia
Līga Mekša, Latvia
14:15–14:30Experiences of Quality of Life and Associated Factors Among Adults with Cerebral Palsy
Zanda Eliāna Vaičekone, Latvia
14:30–14:45Spirituality in the Personal and Professional Lives of Helping Professionals
Inguna Rubene, Latvia
14:45–15:00Teamwork Perception and Safety Attitude of Inpatient Nurses
Anna Bosjuka, Latvia
Session IV
Chair: Asst. Prof. Lauma Spriņģe (Latvia), Assoc. Prof. Inese Gobiņa (Latvia)
15:30–15:45The Moderating Role of Gender in Association Between Heavy Episodic Drinking and Analgesic Use in the Latvian Population
Mārtiņš Zvackis, Latvia
15:45–16:00Cervical Cancer Screening Attendance-Related Factors Among Women in Latvia
Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne, Latvia
16:00–17:00Roundtable Discussion: Lifecourse Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health in Latvia – From Science to Practice
Moderator: Prof. Gunta Lazdāne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Leading Researcher, Institute of Public Health, Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia
Anda Čakša, former Minister for Education and Science, Latvia
Kristīne Kļaviņa, Head, Human Resources Development Department, Ministry of Health, Latvia
Assoc. Prof. Ieva Stokenberga, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, University of Latvia, Latvia
Katerina Žiga, Deputy Head, Welfare Department, Riga City Municipality, Latvia
Assoc. Prof. Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne, Director, Institute of Public Health, Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia

Poster presentations

Screen 9
Committee: Prof. Nathan J Wilson
10:30–11:00Development and Validation of Two Short Scales for Assessing Work-Related Well-Being
Valentīna Krūmiņa, Latvia
Multidimensional Scale of Subjective Well-Being for Employed Persons (MSSWEP): Results of a Pilot Study
Evija Nagle, Latvia
Committee: Assoc. Prof. Jeļena Reste
12:30–13:30Defining Role and Impact on Human Factor in Occupational Safety
Jeļena Lazdkalne, Latvia
Analysis of the development of the Latvian Society of Occupational Physicians
Ivars Vanadziņš, Latvia
Job Satisfaction Among Occupational Health and Safety Experts: Insights into Sectoral and Demographic Variations
Monta Matisāne, Latvia
Daily Physical Activity and Aerobic Endurance of Office Workers
Anda Fernāte, Latvia
Committee: Prof. Ivars Vanadziņš
15:00–15:30Office Equipment Concerning the Sedentariness of Employees Assessed by Self-Reported Levels of Physical Activity
Jeļena Reste, Latvia
Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDS) Among Office Workers in the Banking Sector in Latvia
Henrijs Kaļķis, Latvia
Screen 10
Committee: Assoc. Prof. Signe Tomsone
10:30–11:00The Impact of Physical and Mental Workload on Office Workers' Well-Being: A Systematic Literature Review
Henrijs Kaļķis, Latvia
Risk of Pneumoconiosis in Workers Exposed to Dust from Volcanic Rocks of Etna
Serena Matera, Italy
Committee: Asst. Prof. Ļubova Tihomirova
12:30–13:30Prevalence and Severity of Vocal Cord Fatigue and Sleep Quality Among Teachers
Valērija Šteinmane, Latvia
Burnout and Individual Characteristics in Elementary School Teachers
Anna Masariková, Slovakia
Physical and Mental Strain on Operating Theatre Staff: Systematic Literature Review
Kristīne Šmiukše, Latvia
The Burnout Syndrome of Nurses in Intensive Care Units in Latvia During Covid-19
Olga Cereļa-Boltunova, Latvia
Committee: Asst. Prof. Agita Melbārde-Kelmere
15:00–15:30Impact of Headaches on Nurses' Work Ability and Work Inability
Agita Melbārde-Kelmere, Latvia
Physical Injuries Experienced by Nurses and Their Relationship with Ergonomic Factors of the Work Environment
Jovita Demskytė, Lithuania
Screen 11
Committee: Lect. Anita Bernāne
10:30–11:00Stress Level Evaluation Among Family Doctors in Latvia in 2024
Valdis Dakuļs, Latvia
Psychosocial Work Environment Factors, Employee' Subjective Well-Being, and Sick Leave: A Multivariate Analysis
Iluta Skrūzkalne, Latvia
Committee: Asst. Prof. Inese Stars
12:30–13:30The Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health Inequality in Lithuania and Central Europe: Findings from the European Social Survey
Rasa Indriliūnaitė, Lithuania
Public Health and Economic Gains from Sugar Intake Reduction: A Scoping Review
Katrīne Kūkoja, Latvia
Results of OPMD Campaign in Latvia – Check Your Oral Cavity
Madara Dzudzilo, Latvia
Differences in Anthropometric Measurements Reveal Varying Obesity Rates in the GISTAR Study Population in Latvia
Laura Balode, Latvia
Committee: Asst. Prof. Solvita Kļaviņa-Makrecka
15:00–15:30The Problem of Overweight: Research Experience in Health Studies in Latvia
Iveta Briška, Latvia
Design Thinking, Innovation, Communication, and Health: Mapping Personas and User Journeys of the Advanced Translational Center for Obesity Treatment – CATO USP
Christiane Delmondes Versuti, Brazil
Screen 12
Committee: Asst. Prof. Darja Ņesteroviča
10:30–11:00Total Protein and Albumin Variation by Age and Gender in Adult Latvian Population
Sergey Nikulshin, Latvia
Physical Fitness Input to Antioxidative System Ability
Liāna Pļaviņa, Latvia
Committee: Prof. Anita Villeruša
12:30–13:30The Impact of the Fitness Industry on National Economy and Public Health
Una Veseta, Latvia
General Practitioners' Perspectives on Increasing Cancer Screening Uptake in Latvia: A Thematic Analysis of Interviews
Līga Pūce, Latvia
The Role of Family and Social Support in Smoking Cessation Attempts in Latvia
Paula Jumīte, Latvia
Normative Obligations and Conflict in the Context of Intergenerational Solidarity in Family: Case of Latvia
Nadežda Kuligina, Latvia
Committee: Lect. Gunita Skaldere-Darmudasa
15:00–15:30Stress Resilience as a Determinant of Women’s Psychological Well-Being During War
Khrystyna Stelmashchuk, Ukraine
The Mental Health of the Population of Ukraine as a Result of the Military Conflict (Analysis of Negative Consequences)
Sabriie Shramko, Ukraine
Screen 13
Committee: Lect. Linda Nauzere
10:30–11:00Validation of Latvian Version of the Assessment Tool “Self-Assessment of Modes Questionnaire”
Ieva Jēkabsone, Latvia
Committee: Lect. Nadīna Rīmere
12:30–13:30The Circular Economy – A Response to Climate Change
Dzintra Atstāja, Latvia
Proximity of Place of Residence to Agricultural and Natural Areas as Factors of Pesticide Detection in Latvian Population
Lāsma Akūlova, Latvia
Evaluation of ncRNAs Expression Levels in the Lung After Environmental Exposure to Fluoro-Edenite Fibers
Veronica Filetti, Italy
Mapping Pesticide Exposure: A Geospatial Approach Combining Open-Source and Restricted Environmental Datasets
Lāsma Akūlova, Latvia
Screen 14
Committee: Asst. Prof. Anita Kokarēviča
10:30–11:00OECD Knowledge and Skills Research: A Contribution to Promoting Social Well-Being
Iveta Briška, Latvia
Social-Emotional Learning Skills for Implementing Socio-Pedagogical Activities in Social Work
Aira Aija Krūmiņa, Latvia
Committee: Prof. Lolita Vilka
12:30–13:30Methods and Tools to Improving Social-Emotional Learning Skills for Implementing the Socio-Pedagogical Activities of a Social Worker in the Community
Aira Aija Krūmiņa, Latvia
A Comprehensive Approach to Social Worker Competencies Development
Irena Žemaitaitytė, Lithuania
Simulation in the Education of Social Workers from the Perspective of Competencies Development
Silva Rupaine, Latvia
Simulation-Based Education: Challenges and Solutions within the Scope of Governance and Legal Frameworks
Andreta Slavinska, Latvia
Committee: Asst. Prof. Toms Pulmanis
15:00–15:30Analysis of Factors that Determine the Success of Cooperation Between the Social Worker and the Case Manager
Vida Gudžinskienė, Lithuania
Screen 15
Committee: Lect. Aija Ozola
10:30–11:00Social Enterprises in Latvia: An Untapped Resource for the Development of Community Social Work
Liesma Ose, Latvia
The Social Significance of Visual Art in Asylum Seeker Centres
Jautrė Ramutė Šinkūnienė, Lithuania
Committee: Prof. Daniel Markovič
12:30–13:30Utilizing Community Potential in Social Work During Civil-Military Threats
Lolita Vilka, Latvia
The Technological Dimension of Social Work Practice: Opportunities and Challenges
Edmundas Vaitiekus, Lithuania
Digital Communication in the Provision of Social Services in Latvian Municipalities
Edvarts Pāvulēns, Latvia
28 March. Life Cycle Approach to Health – Ageing Populations
Session I
Chair: Prof. Anita Villeruša (Latvia), Asst. Prof. Aija Bukova-Žideļūna (Latvia)
9:00–9:05Opening Speech
Anita Villeruša & Aija Bukova-Žideļūna, Latvia
9:05–9:50Health of Older Europeans - Learning from SHARE Data
Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak, Poland
9:50–10:05Association Between Frailty and Mobility Limitations in the Ageing Population of Latvia
Aija Bukova-Žideļūna, Latvia
10:05–10:20Exploring the "Resilience" of Socio-Economic and Geographic Inequalities / Barriers to Access in Health Care Among 50+ Population in Greece (2004–2021): The Impact of the Economic Crisis and Pandemic
Ismini Drakou, Greece
10:20–10:30Sexual Health of People over 50 Years of Age in Latvia
Gunta Lazdāne, Latvia
Session II
Chair: Prof. Birutė Strukčinskienė (Lithuania), Assoc. Prof. Lolita Vilka (Latvia)
11:00–11:15Migrant Carers for the Elderly and their Families Left Behind – Societal Challenges in an Ageing Europe Shaping Transnational Family Dynamics
Ilze Trapenciere, Latvia
11:15–11:30Assessment of Difference in Accessibility of Long Term Social Care in Latvian Municipalities
Alīna Dūdele, Latvia
11:30–11:45Enhancing Emotional Well-Being and Social Connectivity in Home Care: Evaluating the Impact of a Video Visit Service
Juris Osis, Latvia
11:45–12:00Improving Social Care Services: A Study on Quality-of-Life Factors in Social Care Institution
Mārtiņš Moors, Latvia
12:00–12:15Empathy as a Professional Skill for Social Workers in Case Management
Vita Redenka, Latvia
12:15–12:30Regional Mortality Inequalities and Causes of Death in the Republic of Moldova, 2014–2023
Olga Penina, Moldova
Session III
Chair: Asst. Prof. Lauma Spriņģe (Latvia), Prof. Olav Götz (Germany)
13:30–13:45Ethical Challenges in Translational Research: Managing Uncertainty, Transparency, and Hope in Alzheimer's Research
Anna Žabicka, Latvia
13:45–14:00Telehealth in Arts Therapies for Older Adults with Neurological Disorders
Ērika Reitere, Latvia
14:00–15:00Roundtable Discussion: Future Tools for Early Identification of Cognitive Dysfunction (in Latvian)
Moderator: Prof. Ainārs Stepens
Kristīne Šneidere, Latvia
Nauris Zdanovskis, Latvia
Ruta Orlova, Kuldīga Senior School, Latvia
Oskars Teikmanis, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Latvia
Agnis Jakubovičs, Apply, Latvia
Juris Gaiķis, Latvian Digital Health Center, Latvia

Poster presentations

Screen 9
Committee: Assoc. Prof. Daiga Behmane
10:30–11:00Role Models of Aging and Their Impact on Choosing Protective Behaviors
Anna Kašina, Latvia
The Transition from Work to Retirement in the Baltic States
Olga Rajevska, Latvia
Committee: Asst. Prof. Inese Stars
12:30–13:30Socioeconomic and Childhood Determinants of Healthy Ageing in Baltic and Nordic Regions
Madara Miķelsone, Latvia
Healthy Ageing Across the Baltic and Nordic Regions: A Longitudinal Comparison Analysis
Madara Miķelsone, Latvia
Gendered Disparities in Unmet Healthcare Needs Among the Elderly During COVID-19 Pandemic in Latvia
Aija Bukova-Žideļūna, Latvia
Screen 10
Committee: Lect. Aija Ozola
10:30–11:00Association Between Social Networks, Demographics, and Quality of Life Among the Elderly in Latvia
Laura Maļina, Latvia
Event-Related Potential P300 in Detecting Early Signs of Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Individuals
Agnese Ušacka, Latvia
Committee: Lect. Linda Nauzere
12:30–13:30Mental Health in Older Women: Focus on Health Status
Asta Beniušienė, Lithuania
Determinants of Digital Music Engagement in Older Adults
Aija Ozola, Latvia
Patterns of Antimicrobial and Antipsychotic Medication Dispensations to Long-Term Care Residents in Nova Scotia, Canada
Ingrid Sketris, Canada
Screen 11
Committee: Lect. Toni Angelo Fernandes
10:30–11:00Psychological Factors and Adherence in Patients with Cardiovascular Illness
Gunita Skaldere-Darmudasa, Latvia
Communication and Educational Work by General Practitioners in Latvia: Essential Factors for Regular Antihypertensive Medication Use
Mirdza Kursīte, Latvia
Committee: Lect. Mirdza Kursīte
12:30–13:30Analysis of Changes in Hospitalization Rates for Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction During COVID-19 Outbreak
Alīna Dūdele, Latvia
The Impact of Music on the Health Outcomes of Post-Myocardial Infarction Patients in the ICU
Jurgita Gulbinienė, Lithuania
Readiness of Relatives to Care for a Patient at Home After a Stroke
Agita Melbārde-Kelmere, Latvia
Comparative Analysis of Dominant Dimensions of Quality of Life in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Emma Sokolova, Latvia
Screen 12
Committee: Lect. Kristīne Ozoliņa
10:30–11:00Comparative Analysis of Quality of Life Assessment Tools for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Emma Sokolova, Latvia
Assessment of Quality of life in Type-2 Diabetes Patients
Diāna Platace, Latvia
Committee: Prof. Ģirts Briģis
12:30–13:30Exploring Spirituality's Role in Oncology Care: A Scoping Review
Daiga Katrīna Bitēna, Latvia
Knowledge of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, Residents and Midwives About the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Precancerous Changes in Latvia
Anna Abramova, Latvia
Intake of Vegetables and Fruits in Relation to Breast Cancer by Hormone Receptor Subtype in White Caucasian Women: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study
Loreta Strumylaitė, Lithuania
Acquisition and Use of External Breast Prosthesis – Experience of Persons with External Breast Prosthesis After Mastectomy in Latvia
Ance Pāsa, Latvia
Screen 13
Committee: Asst. Prof. Solvita Kļaviņa-Makrecka
10:30–11:00Sleep Quality and Its Association with Cognitive Function in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Sintija Liepiņa, Latvia
Committee: Lect. Laura Maļina
12:30–13:30Incidence of Depression Among Chronically Ill Patients
Diāna Vaidere, Latvia
Application of WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) to Patients Before Admission to a Rehabilitation Day Hospital to Predict Potential Disability
Darja Stankeviča, Latvia
Factors Affecting Independent Living of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Community-Based Social Services in Latvia
Patients' Experiences After Lower Limb Amputation: Qualitative Research
Jurgita Gulbinienė, Lithuania
Screen 14
Committee: Lect. Ļubova Tihomirova
10:30–11:00Share My Steps: An Application to Assist the Mobility of Visually Impaired Individuals Through Geolocation and Facilitate Their Connections
Christiane Delmondes Versuti, Brazil
Decoding Resting Muscle Activity: Preliminary Insights Into Upper Limb Neuromuscular Health
Sigita Skrastiņa, Latvia
Committee: Asst. Prof. Anita Kokarēviča
12:30–13:30Development of an Economic Model to Determine Benefits and Costs of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccination in Latvia
Uldis Hlevickis, Latvia
Analysis of Costs of Treatment of Patients Diagnosed with Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis
Alīna Dūdele, Latvia
Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Latvia and Factors Associated with Fatal Disease Outcome, 2012–2022
Larisa Savrasova, Latvia
Advancing Prevention for Under-Recognized Diseases: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia in Focus
Diāna Arāja, Latvia
Screen 15
Committee: Assoc. Prof. Jeļena Reste
10:30–11:00Topological Model of Human Fatigue and Drowsiness
Normunds Limba, Latvia
Similarities and Differences Between Fatigue and Drowsiness
Matīss Eriņš, Latvia

Keynote speakers

SGH Warsaw School of Economics
University of Salford, UK
University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal

International Scientific Committee

Chair, Assoc. Prof. Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne, Director, Institute of Public Health, RSU, Latvia

  • Prof. Ģirts Briģis – Lead Researcher, Institute of Public Health, RSU, Latvia
  • Prof. Anita Villeruša – Lead Researcher, Institute of Public Health, RSU, Latvia
  • Assoc. Prof. Ivars Vanadziņš – Director, Institute for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health, RSU / Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, RSU, Latvia
  • Asst. Prof. Daiga Behmane – Director of Health Management Study Programme, RSU / Lead researcher, Institute of Publice Health, RSU, Latvia
  • Assoc. Prof. Lolita Vilka – Head of the Department of Welfare and Social Work, RSU / Director of Social Work Study Programme, RSU, Latvia
  • Prof. Kristīne Mārtinsone – Head of the Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy, RSU, Latvia
  • Prof. Inga Millere – Dean, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, RSU / Chairperson, Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, RSU, Latvia
  • Asst. Prof. Jeļena Reste – Lead researcher, Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health, RSU / Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, RSU, Latvia
  • Inese Mārtiņsone – Lead researcher and Head of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, RSU, Latvia
  • Doc. Dr. psych. Jeļena Koļesņikova, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy, RSU / Manager, Psychology Laboratory of the Institute of Public Health, RSU, Latvia
  • Asst. Prof. Aija Bukova-Žideļūna, Lead Researcher, Institute of Public Health, RSU, Latvia
  • Asst. Prof. Lauma Spriņģe, Deputy Director, Academic Affairs, Researcher, Institute of Public Health, RSU, Latvia
  • Asst. Prof. Agita Melbārde-Kelmere, Department of Nursing and Midwifery, RSU / Researcher, Institute of Public Health, RSU, Latvia
  • PhD, MD Sandra Dudareva, Co-Lead of viral hepatitis team, Head of WHO Collaborating Centre for viral hepatitis and HIV, Unit for HIV/AIDS, STI and Blood-borne Infections, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Robert Koch Institute, Germany
  • Prof., MD, MpH, PhD Skirmantė Sauliūnė, Professor of the Department of Health Management, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania
  • Prof., Dr., MD Birutė Strukčinskienė, Head of the Department of Public Health, Chief Researcher of the Health Research and Innovation Science Centre, Professor in Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
  • Prof. Irena Žemaitaitytė, Associate Professor at the Institue of Educational Science and Social Work, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
  • PhD Marike Kolossa, Head of Section "Toxicology, Health-related Environmental Monitoring”, German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
  • Assoc. Prof., PhD Markéta Rusnáková, Vice-Rector for Foreign Relations and Mobility, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia
  • Assoc. Prof., Dr. hab. Dorota Kilańska, Associate Professor of the Department of Coordinated Care, Medical University of Lodz, Poland
  • Lect., Dr. Angelos P. Kassianos, Lecturer of the Department of Nursing, Cyprus University of Technology; Departments of Psychology and Computer Science, University of Cyprus, Cyprus and the Department of Applied Health Research University College London, United Kingdom
  • MD, PhD, MPH Noël C Barengo, Associate Professor of the Division of Medical and Population Health Sciences Education and Research, Department of Medical Education, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University, USA
  • Asst. Prof. Daniel Markovič, Head of the Department of Social Work, Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia
  • Assoc. Prof. Manuel Ferreira, Associate Professor of the University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Prof., Dr. rer. medic. Christian G. Stierle, Professor of the Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Prof., PhD Olav Götz, Professor, Health Care Consultant of the APOLLON University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Prof., PhD Mindaugas Stankunas, Professor of the Department of Health Management, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania
  • Prof. Tamás Martos, Professor of the Institute of Psychology, University of Szeged, Hungary
  • Prof., PhD Nathan J Wilson, Director, HDR and Honours of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University, Australia